B&B Friuli Venezia Giulia Province of Udine Udine A Casa Di Ely

A Casa Di Ely

Bed & Breakfast
Viale Cadore, 2A - Udine (UD) - Area: mid-centre
Código de identificación nacional: IT030129C1VDOIDF9E
Código de identificación regional: 86704
Rooms and Rates
  • Disabled Access
  • Kitchenette
  • Pets Allowed
  • Breakfast included
  • Garden
  • TV
  • Free Wifi
  • Family
  • Business
  • Hair dryer
  • Smoke Friendly
  • Heating
  • Vicino a piste ciclabili
Declared by the Innkeeper

Various information

  • Disabled Access
  • Pets allowed
  • Smoking allowed
  • English speaker

House features

  • Sharing areas available for guests

Air conditioning and heating systems of the house

  • Certified systems
  • Heating systems

Electric system

  • Certified systems
  • Automatic fire extinguishers

Services of the house

  • Garden
  • Kitchenette
  • Access for the disabled

Facilities and services

  • Pets allowed

Location and surroundings

  • Near (within 10 mins) pubblic transports

Number of rooms

  • Total number of rooms: 1
  • Number of rooms with own bathroom but outside the room: 1

Size of rooms

  • Between 10 and 14 sqm

Bathroom facilities

  • Bath tub
  • Hair dryer

Room facilities

  • Children bed
  • TV
  • Mirror or luggage case
  • Internet connection or telephone


  • Desk / table and chairs

Cleaning services

  • Daily

Holiday themes - the place

  • Arts town

Holiday themes - town size

  • Town - between 25.000 and 100.000 in.

Holiday themes - area features

  • Near monuments
  • Wine and food attractions area

Holiday themes - house features

  • Family
  • Business


This property has not been reviewed yet

A Casa Di Ely

  • +39

Area Semicentro

In The Surroundings

*Distances As The Crow Flies